Maryland Constitutional Lawyer

Maryland Constitutional Lawyer Jason Ostendorf

Experienced Constitutional Law Attorney in Maryland

Understanding and navigating the complexities of constitutional law can be challenging. With the Law Office of Jason Ostendorf, you can rest assured knowing that your rights under the U.S. and Maryland constitutions are being safeguarded. As an experienced Maryland Constitutional Lawyer, Jason Ostendorf offers comprehensive legal services in this field.

Our firm, primarily serving clients in Towson, Hunt Valley, Ellicott City, Annapolis, and throughout Maryland, handles a wide array of constitutional law cases. Whether you’re facing constitutional issues at the federal or state level, we’re here to help.

Defending Your Constitutional Rights

Constitutional law encompasses the interpretation and implementation of the U.S. Constitution and the Maryland Constitution. It forms the backbone of public law in the United States and lays out the fundamental principles and rights of citizens. If you believe that your constitutional rights have been violated, we can provide you with an experienced and effective constitutional law attorney.

From freedom of speech to unlawful search and seizure, we are prepared to take on cases involving a broad spectrum of constitutional rights. We employ an in-depth understanding of constitutional law, extensive legal research, and a tenacious approach to litigation to ensure our clients' rights are upheld.

Schedule a Consultation

If you need a knowledgeable attorney for your constitutional law case, our firm can help. We pride ourselves on our competitive rates and payment options. Use our online scheduling system to reserve our earliest consultation date today.

Important Client Advisory:

Due to our high demand and dedication to existing clients, we are accepting new cases for court representation only in appeals within Maryland's appellate courts. For all other legal matters, although we are not entering appearances or attending court hearings, our team is available to offer robust legal consulting services including:

  • Legal Document Preparation: Drafting documents for clients to sign and file, ensuring compliance and precision.
  • Strategic Legal Advice: Offering guidance via phone or email to navigate complex legal challenges.
  • Court Argument Scripts: Crafting detailed scripts for effective opening and closing arguments.

For court appearances in non-appellate matters, we recommend engaging local counsel to ensure the best possible representation and support.