Maryland Divorce Lawyer

Experienced Maryland Divorce Lawyer

Family law matters are never pleasant, and Maryland divorce laws are complex. The husband and wife are forced to deal with alimony, property division, custody and visitation, and other issues. The separation may initially require the parties to confront the circumstances giving rise to the divorce, such as domestic violence or adultery. Huge sums of money and precious access to one's child can easily be lost without the assistance of an aggressive Maryland divorce lawyer.

Hunt Valley Family Attorney: Alimony, Child Custody, Visitation, Property Division And Financial Issues

Jason Ostendorf is a Baltimore County divorce attorney located in Hunt Valley. Our firm handles all family law issues that can arise in a Maryland divorce. Our success sets us apart from other divorce lawyers. Normally, we first attempt to negotiate with the opposing spouse. However, if your spouse refuses to cooperate, you will find that we have earned our reputation as one of the more aggressive Maryland divorce law firms.

What Else Is Included In Our Legal Services?

We can provide outlook and guidance, and relieve you of uncertainty and worry at every stage of the divorce proceedings. It should be clear from our initial consultation that we are not afraid to take the case to trial if the other side does not enter into an agreement that meets your needs.

Why Choose The Law Office Of Jason Ostendorf?

What makes our firm unique is that we are not just effective negotiators. We have a history of real trial experience and success. We can handle every issue in a Maryland divorce. Moreover, as a divorce law firm with an appellate practice, we know how to set your case up to protect you on appeal if necessary. Our success allows us to offer competitive rates, and there are no hidden fees.

Where Do We Go From Here?

If you are ready to take the next step, please schedule an online consultation with us at your earliest convenience. This will allow us to discuss your case in detail and identify the best course of action. Especially in urgent cases, this online tool allows you to book the earliest available slot. We are ready to support you through this difficult time.

Important Client Advisory:

Due to our high demand and dedication to existing clients, we are accepting new cases for court representation only in appeals within Maryland's appellate courts. For all other legal matters, although we are not entering appearances or attending court hearings, our team is available to offer robust legal consulting services including:

  • Legal Document Preparation: Drafting documents for clients to sign and file, ensuring compliance and precision.
  • Strategic Legal Advice: Offering guidance via phone or email to navigate complex legal challenges.
  • Court Argument Scripts: Crafting detailed scripts for effective opening and closing arguments.

For court appearances in non-appellate matters, we recommend engaging local counsel to ensure the best possible representation and support.